Emblem & Anthem


The main body of the College Emblem is represented by the letter "N" of "Nursing" and is formed by different colours including blue, green and orange. "N" indicates that KWNC focuses its attention on the provision of Nursing Education and the cultivation of qualified Nursing professionals. The green curve manifests that Nursing is a combination of art and science and the colour "green" represents the environment and vitality. The orange flame illustrates that KWNC is committed to keeping alive the spirit of Florence Nightingale and carrying forward the Nursing profession. The entire Emblem also resembles the letter "H" which is the initial of both "human" and "health", which implies that nurses provide services for humans and their ultimate duty is to promote human health. "Blue" has been the colour of the sleeves of nursing students' uniforms for decades and that symbolizes education and knowledge. The Emblem in italics shows that Nursing is full of energy and hope.
Designed by CHAN Kin Chong


 Melody: Koo Kar Fai       Lyrics: Li Seng Chun
   中山精神   博愛濟群
   The spirit of Dr. Sun, great love for the public
    鏡湖奉獻    薪火傳真
   Kiang Wu is dedicating, to keep up the fire forever
   Hold the billions with our love
   Let our love merge into their hearts
   白衣天使    凌雲壯志
   Angels in white, with noble morale
   Sing loud and clear, glorify the blessings of medical care
   Anybody who is sick, shall be carefully treated
   Anybody who has trouble, shall be warmly guided
   愛生命    保安康
   Have great love for life, have great eagerness for healthcare
     護理永放光芒     永放光芒
   Nursing shall shine forever, shall shine forever

Strive for Competence and Integrity
Serve with Professionality and Care

Contact Us
Tel: (853) 8295 6200
Fax: (853) 2836 5204

Complexo de Cuidados de Saúde das Ilhas

Edifício do Instituto de Enfermagem Kiang Wu de Macau, Avenida do Hospital das Ilhas no.447, Coloane, RAEM

Permanent Campus

Est. Repouso No. 35, R/C, Macau

