Research Report – The Long-Term Care Needs of the Elderly in Macao

Title: Research Report – The Long-Term Care Needs of the Elderly in Macao
Commissioned by: Social Welfare Bureau, Macao SAR Government
Conducted by: Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
Published by: Social Welfare Bureau, Macao SAR Government
Publication Date: June 2006
ISBN: 99937-52-25-8
Brief Information: The average life expectancy has extended by 20 years due to the social development and progression of the mankind since the 20th century. The life expectancy is expected to extend for 10 more years by year 2050. The trends of rapid population growth indicate that 50% of the world population will be elderly by the middle of this century and such ageing population has become a global issue. The population of elderly aged 60 or above occupies 10.6% of the overall population in Macao and that indicates an ageing society. The health and long-term care for the elderly is thus a challenging issue the society must face. This research project as commissioned by MSAR Social Welfare Bureau, took place during July to August 2004, studied on 2,039 home elderly aged 60 or above from six parishes in Macao by on-site interviews and assessments. Assessments include mental and cognitive status, lifestyle, ability for daily activities, use of long-term care service, mental health, basic information, home conditions and 9-component physical assessment to examine the long-term care needs of the elderly in Macao.

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Est. Repouso No. 35, R/C, Macau

