Notes for Applicants
Service Liabilities
A teaching member within his/her duty scope may be assigned suitable undertakings, including lecturing, clinical teaching, scientific research, student tutoring, student administration, social services and volunteer work, etc. He/She shall perform all work assignments, comply with any job transfer and try to meet requirements in fulfillment of duties.
Out-of-College Professional Services
The staff member who has been appointed to undertake professional services (work or consultancy service) outside the College should first seek approval of the College before participation in the project.
Termination of Service
In the event of any unilateral termination of service, a written notice related to such service termination before the expiry date in compliance with the contract provisions should be submitted by either party. Staff member should not leave office without permission of the College. Teaching members shall abide by the promise to fulfill their clinical and teaching commitments in order not to affect student's learning. Any employee is liable to keep secrecy of the College confidential data even after quitting from the job.
* Details see the General Rules for Personnel Affairs in the KWNC Internal Regulations.